There is no such thing as failure. When we attempt and fail, it’s merely a result of a single attempt. It may well be the result of a weak or half-hearted effort.
How many chances would you give a baby to walk or talk? We wouldn’t after three attempts say, that’s enough, you might as well give up. How many chances do we give ourselves when trying something new?
A weakness of mine was learning computers; how they work, the software seemed confusing, everything computer related was overwhelming to me. I decided that needed to change.
From the perspective of I can fix most anything mechanical, I can solve most engineering issues within my former work, why not become able to resolve computer issues and learn most any software I choose?
That made all the difference. Now, I enjoy computers and learning new software. I enjoy finding ways to improve my computer skills and the speed I grasp things continues to grow. It’s a mindset; the struggle was the lack of concentrated effort backed by a belief, the belief that I can.
If I fail at an attempt, I know it’s just a single result, I try again because it’s impossible to fail if I continue moving towards a better result. A better result is a successful result, and with every small improvement, we get closer to our objectives.
It is Impossible to Fail!