Financial Success Depends on It

If our skill set is old, weak or behind the times, and has not been as productive as we would have hoped, in other words, we haven’t gained the success we’d like to have had using them, it’s time to step up and develop then perfect a few new skills.  Our financial success from this point forward depends on it.

What five skills would revitalize your career performance by perfecting them?  You and I know we can’t achieve more tomorrow without becoming more today.  It’s the work on ourselves that will get us to the next level and then the next.

Here’s my list of five;

1. Follow through.  It’s easy to set a goal a week in advance, but I found follow-through the complete the tasks more difficult.  Follow-through is a skill and must be mastered to achieve success in almost everything.  Setting bigger goals and moving up can mean doing things beyond our work habits.  A new level of follow-through may be needed.

2. Writing.  Wow, my junior high school teachers wouldn’t believe I’d ever have admitted this.  In a blog post, I quoted Bill Gates who said: “Content is King.”  That said, who knows our content better than ourselves.  Learning to write has become an essential skill like few others.

3. Marketing.  Yes, marketing.  Even if it is not for the company, we must know how to market.  If we learn other skills, we have to put them to use for them to be productive and this may take marketing those skills.

4. Estimating the Difficult.  Now, this may not have anything to do with you and your work or success, but it’s a great example that there’s always something that’s unique to our work, usually something we’ve wrestled with for a long time that we need to perfect.  What’s your industry-specific skill that when improved tenfold will dramatically change your game?

5.  Fearless Selling.  Ok, here’s the truth, the four above seem exciting to attack but fearless selling just thinking about it causes me to hold my breath.  You see it’s easy for me to sell the mundane in my work, I’ve developed skills that allow me to do that with ease.  Fearless selling is about selling the products and services that are at the highest level.  It’s selling to the most extreme clients without fear.

Make a list of your five most important skills to advance and get to work.

Your Financial Success Depends On It.