A Perfect Day

What would a perfect day be like to you?

To me, a perfect day would be waking up early and doing work that creates lasting value for others, something I truly enjoy for the first five hours and doing it so well, I know I did an outstanding job.  Now it’s only 10:00 and I have the entire balance of the day to enjoy being home.  I run an errand then have lunch out with my wife, no longer in a rush as years past.  We talk about upcoming events, the US Grand Prix, our plans for the holidays just around the corner and the special events we want to enjoy.   We make plans to attend those we’ve chosen.

On our way home, we stop by the local market and pick up some fresh salmon, romaine lettuce, spinach, and a little watercress to make salads for this evenings meal.  Then a quick stop on our way by the bakery, we add a freshly baked loaf of french roll bread to our shopping basket.

Upon return to our home, I carry things into the kitchen, take a few minutes and together we put things away, discuss how we plan to make our evening meal, then I go outside to enjoy our yard.  We have a creek across the backyard not far from the house just before the yard turns into a wooded hillside.  I take time to think about a brick and concrete walkway and bridge over the creek.  I make a few calls to see who can help with the hardscape plans.  It would be nice to have it in before Christmas, a nice touch for the Holiday, a gift to myself.

Now, I go back through the house, check in on my wife’s activities and find she’s happily busy planning things with her friends for upcoming events.  I grab my bag and head to the gym calling a friend or two on the way to see if anyone wants to join me.    A good workout with time to enjoy it is something I look forward to nearly every day.

I stop by Barns and Noble on the way home and pick up a book I read about then I make a quick stop by the florist for some nice flowers for my wife and return home for the day.

After finding a vase and setting it full of flowers on the kitchen island, I head up the stairs to my library on the third floor.  I sneak another peek at the first couple of pages, then put the book away with a collection of books I’ve read and several others I’ve not had time for yet.  It’s nice to look forward to a good book, like the one I’m in the middle of now, I pick it up, take it with me so I’ll have it after dinner if the conversation gets slow.

I take a shower and dress in casual clothes that are comfortable for the evening, then head on downstairs and meet my wife already in the kitchen.  Together, we grill the salmon, warm the bread and prepare our salads.

This evening, we decide to enjoy our dining room so I set the table, find a good wine, and we clean things up as we finish making dinner, we enjoy having everything in its place!

We share our stories of the afternoon and enjoy our dinner.  There’s no rush, we put our phones on mute while we eat and it’s nice and quite with only light music playing in the background.  We talk, much like we did years ago and time passes quickly.

After dinner, we put everything away, clean the kitchen together and sit down to enjoy our family room.  We consider a fire, but it’s still too warm so we set the lights to enjoy reading.  We often interrupt each other’s reading, knowing we have plenty of time to continue, with a question about this or what about that.

As the night draws close, we talk about the highlights of the day and what’s on our plans for tomorrow.

It’s been a perfect day!