With more than 34% of the US population over 50, why do we leave it to twenty-year-olds to set our standards?
Recently, in a battle to read the fine print on the back of a can of paint, even with my best reading glasses, I could not make out the fine print. It’s just stupid to take the time to write something of value, then print it on products so small, that only 50% of the potential customers can read.
There seems to be a need for mature adults to get involved in more creative ways. Cell phones come programed for those with perfect vision and tiny fingers that can text 100 words a minute. Guess what, that’s not everyone!
If you are over 50, and one of these moments happen, it’s time to make a ruckus and ask for products for mature people, or it may be time to become an influencer and help make a much-needed change.
There’s a lot of age-dumb things that need our input!