G’s Daily Dose

Life Changes – Keep Up

Our journey can be foggy and unclear at times.  Learning new skills require moving in directions that we are not familiar with.  An awareness of the dangers ahead is so important but more important than knowing they are there is gaining insight to handle them and continue on our journey.

We live in the day of the traveling salesman revived.  Years ago, the traveling salesman came to town and said or promised just about anything to make the sale, then, of course, he was gone and no one to return to when the product you bought was found not to live up to the promises made.

Today, we receive calls from traveling salesmen many times a day.  Phone solicitations have now reached 50% of all phone calls.  My reply to their quick pitch is let me call you right back, usually finding the phone number showing on caller ID isn’t a real number.  Who are these traveling salesmen?

It’s not much better online.  Check out the many get rich quick videos that promote how to do it, it’s hard to find legitimate how to answers with so many circus barkers online saying whatever makes the sale.

We must learn how to navigate these waters.  Just looking for the best source for WordPress & a Web Host, I fell into a trap of getting it cheaper only to find the advice was for the traveling salespersons own gain, not mine.  The pitch sounded so good, they were name brand products but they came with a lot of complexities and issues and NO support.  A little research and I found many make that same offer, it’s the best kickback to them, not good advice.

It works like this, make a video showing how to help and do it by walking you through a purchase, after all, it’s going to be so easy and save you money!  Now I see the game clearly!

Get me once, shame on you, get me twice, shame on me!

Life changes, keep up!

In Just Two Years

When learning a new skill, in this case, a new way to support yourself as I am.  We must give ourselves time and use that time wisely.

If I practice every day working diligently to be 1% better each day, I will be 730% better at this new skill than I am today in – just – two – years!

What Do We See

So many have said we must have an attitude of gratitude.  I agree!  But the challenges of today’s duties are overwhelming, how can I possibly feel grateful?

What do we see?  Do we notice the wonderful things that are all around us?

Look around, and see the beauty in the blend of nature and our growing city mixed in with the concrete,  brick, and mortar!  If we look for the beauty, it’s there, it’s everywhere!

When we learn to look for the beauty in things around us, we can begin to appreciate it and within that mindset, we can become grateful for the challenges we face today.

Where Are You Going

We often hear the phrase, find your passion.  Keep in mind, life is a journey.  Find your passion sounds more like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, you find it, you’re done!  Not likely.

Try this.  Ask yourself these simple questions.   Where are you going?  What would you like to get away from and leave behind?  What do you wish to draw close to?  How would you like to be known?   What involvement would bring a sense of fulfillment?

Test the answers to those questions by asking just one more question.  What would make every day worth getting up for at 2:50 a.m. with absolute excitement for the day?

As you set sail, your destination may be impossible to see obscured by the fog of a busy mind.  You may not know the name of your destination but you will know intuitively the direction you should go and exactly what to leave behind.


Today I Set Sail

As I write this page, people know me as a Roofing Contractor but I’m more than that. It has been a privilege to work on some of the finest homes and homes of friends but there’s something missing in my life, something  I am meant to do.  There is something out there that will bring fulfillment and peace to my soul and it’s just waiting for me find it and claim it as mine.

On the wall above my desk is a calendar.  I just reached up and flipped the page.  It’s a picture calendar, each month featuring a different sailboat, a yearly Christmas gift from my loving wife and family who all know I have a passion for sailing but never have the time, the training or resources to do it.

Today I set sail for a destination, one I’ve only dreamed of in the past.  A place where life is filled with promise, love, and laughter.  I will cross the ocean of doubt and fear.  I will Master Living!

Join me, let’s take this journey together!


Do It Anyway

How many times have you heard the question, what would you do if you knew you could not fail?

I know what I would do, but how?  Will this work?  Is it possible?

What IF I do fail?

All the questions, no longer matter,I’m doing it anyway!