What would it do for your business, your website or blog, if your content was too good to ignore?
Inspired by Steve Martin’s comment, “Be so good they can’t ignore you,” I found myself baffled why I allowed my business to have such pathetic online content for so long. Then with a little reflection, the answer became clear. I was unwilling to get personally involved, and as a small business owner, I could not afford the best commercial content writers. The content sucked! It was like the people who built my website and posted blogs didn’t know what we did, at least, not at the core lever where it counts.
My business online-presence was as generic as could be. It was easy for people to ignore. Optimization trickery got them there; they would click, look and move on!
That’s crazy! Websites should be a clear reflection of our businesses. Knowing this, I took the lead to build a better site. I gathered photos of various projects, all the parts, and pieces then started figuring out how to create written content to match our work.
The website I built spoke volumes about what we’ve done and what we were capable of doing. The “professionally built” ones, those I had paid for were not even in the same league. In this case, the old saying is probably true, you get what you pay for, or is it?
The ongoing cost of a lesser quality website is difficult to calculate. It’s not just the money you spend to keep it going; it’s the image you project of your company or business. A poorly presented website could cost much more than you ever imagined. It’s your image, it’s who you are online, and that’s the world’s view of who we are.
Here’s the real gold mine, with content so good they can’t ignore it, it’s out there, it’s in place, and it continues to bring top quality clients and projects to us forever.