Money to start over is probably not needed, but, it is one way to expedite the process. If you decide to take a route that requires some money outside your current means, make sure your plan is solid, that this action will not set you back in months to come.
If you decide funding of some kind is required for your plan to start over, where do you get it? Is it realistic to think you can borrow money at this point in your life to start any kind of business? This will be a different answer for each of us, I’m sure, but let’s suppose you are not in a good position to ask for a loan, at least not a typical loan from banks or traditional lending institutions, what do you do?
There must be a hundred ways, most of them are not a good idea. The easier it is to obtain money when you are not in a strong position, the riskier it becomes to do so.
What about finding ways to earn and grow?